West Jordan Historical Society

The West Jordan Historical Museum news


 I am sure West Jordan residents have noticed the great weather we have been getting lately. The snow is off the ground and the museum is looking for volunteer help to get the museum and the grounds back in shape to open again after 7800 south road widening is completed. All along the South side of 7800 south, there will be new landscaping, a meandering sidewalk, new trees and a new white picket fence in front of the museum. One of the new street lights will be near the front of the museum and there will be some parking available on 7800 south when it is completed.

 During the winter snow storms and wind, we had a lot of large tree limbs come down on top of several of our buildings. Damage to the museum building was minimal. We have had many volunteers force involved in keeping us safe during the winter months. We are now looking for help with some volunteers to help clean up the yards and some of the buildings. If there are Boy Scout troops that are looking for Eagle projects, we have many things that can be done. To date the museum has been the site where 35 West Jordan Eagle Scouts have completed their projects. In some cases we need some help from those who are specialized in construction, electrical and the welding trades for some projects we need to have done in the spring with donated labor. If there are any community clubs, churches, schools etc. looking for service projects, we could use your help. We once again thank all the volunteers who have made the museum a success with their hard work and donations.

 Currently our wish list for items needed for the museum include: A wooden wheel sheep camp, old farm tools that we do not currently have, old dairy equipment, old wagons, more family histories, old West Jordan photographs and historical West Jordan Artifacts to use in the museum and have on file.  

 Again we thank the many volunteers and friends of the West Jordan Historical Museum and Society and invite those who are interested in being part of our museum board and serve on committees to help to preserve our West Jordan heritage, or donate items for display, please call Linda Dalley at 255-3116 or 403-9030.